This Blog Is About Nothing…

Melanie J.
5 min readOct 29, 2020
Picture From Canva

This blog is about nothing. I decided to start writing and see where this takes me. Because I am new to this I wanted to determine how strong m skills are and to see what I could pull out of my brain without thinking about it. I have gotten this far and I have not stopped yet so I will keep going. Today was such a great day, I decided to send out a blog post to more of my friends which means I am getting more comfortable having people read my posts. It feels awesome. I mean I had no idea that words would be flowing like this effortlessly without me having to think about what to write. Maybe this is a talent and I am a super genius or maybe this is something that all writers can do without any real effort. Please let me know which one it is because I am curious. Especially since I am new to this. I am 165 words in and I only stopped to correct a word so I will keep going. I am in bed right now getting ready to go to sleep and I think that I am already addicted to Medium because as soon as I turned on my laptop I opened the website and started scanning for any interesting articles to read. Wow, this is all new to me to feel this way about writing. I wish I would’ve started writing years ago, maybe I would’ve been making some serious money by now. Speaking of money, I am so excited to read all the articles that provide advice on how to make money on Medium writing articles and blogs. I am so excited to start posting every…

